DAY 360


"... everything in nature is lyrical in its ideal essence, tragic in its fate, and comic in its existence." -George Santayana

As I was out driving today looking for my POTD I must have drove by this at least 3 times before I saw it. What an amazing phenomenon. It looks like something you'd see in an ice cave. I knew the second I saw it that it was the perfect picture to represent the day. We have been having some interesting, yet relatively typical Iowa weather. Snow, rain, freezing rain, snow. It makes for treachorous driving conditions and beautiful pictures. If I have learned nothing else from this project that I have taken on, it is to more fully appreciate and recognize the beauty that surrounds me. All we have to do is open our eyes and it is there. I am grateful for the beautiful images I've been able to witness and capture this year and for the endless abundance of photo ops in a state where seasons are true and distinct. Every day I awake there is a brand new landscape. Although seasons have their drawbacks and I occasionally rant about living in a warmer climate, it is only with the seasons that I truly feel at home. Though I have my days that I may tire of them, they are awe inspiring- producing magnificent beauty.


  1. That is a really cool picture! 5 days left!!!! kinda sad. What are your plans once your done with the 365 project??

  2. same question. Will you still be tempted to post everyday?
