Thanks SITStah!

I was going to post a morose post when I received an email from my new found friend Gigi at five amazing minutes. I guess that other one will have to wait. (I much prefer to think of things that make me happy rather than depressed.) She sent me the Happy 101 award.

Here are the rules of the award:
1. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
2. List who gave the award to you and use a link to her/his blog (or hyperlink).
3. List 10 things that make you happy.
4. Pass the award on to other bloggers and visit their blog to let them know about the award.

10 things that make me happy...
1. good hair days, mostly because they are so rare

2. upcoming summer adventures

3. afternoon thunderstorms

4. shopping target sales, especially the 75% off ones

5. dvr time without kids, currently Glee

6. a deep clean/purge session

7. the beach, the surf, and the sun

8. surviving a killer workout

9. greasy popcorn and cherry coke accompanied by a chick flick

10. random acts of kindness (given and received)

And now I’m passing this on to…
Liz from a bell, a bean, and a chicago dog. I enjoy your blog and your discussions over at SITS. It's been fun getting to know you better through the blog world.

Sarah from the common thread. I recently found your blog and love your writing style. Witty and amusing.


  1. Wow! So flattered!!! Thanks so much, Alicia! :) I put up a link to your blog on my Bloggy Awards page. I also LOVE Glee, and look forward to solo DVR time to watch it. Add a bag of movie theater popcorn and a cherry coke to wash it down, and you've got a perfect "me time" evening! :)

  2. Alicia I love your blog. It is so beautiful and I love the big gorgeous photos.

    Thank you for adding me to your blogroll. I am glad that what I wrote resonated with you on some level.

    Yes, youre right, it can be scary trying to figure out who you are and what you really want in your life but I believe that is the purpose of our time here on earth. It is a lifelong journey and it sounds like you are in the midst of it. If you are feeling withdrawn then just go with it and allow yourself to take some time out. I have spent the past year being fairly introverted and wanting to retreat from the world, but it has allowed me to go inwards and really get to know myself. It takes courage but it is worth it.

    Good luck and never ever give up xxx

  3. Oh my goodness - thanks SO much, Alicia! What a great way to start the week!!

    I love me some Target, too, and think their Dollar Bins are ingenius. I'm a huge Cherry Coke fan, too. I wish more restaurants had it as a fountain choice.

  4. I just came across your blog and have to say that you inspired me today. I was having such a blah crappy day and then I read your list of things that make you happy. Target...75% off? Hello girl who has a heart like mine! I LOVE Target. I could spend everyday in Target. Only I'd miss my kiddo + hubby (: Anyways, the list reminded me that there's so much good + happy in life that I should stop wasting it with blahh moods.

    I'm following you now (:

  5. Congrats on your award! I love summer thunderstorms too and around here you can count on them like clockwork, every summer afternoon! I am now following you and looking forward to reading more. Oh and great choices for awards...enjoy Liz's blog too!
