2 Thumbs DOWN.

OK, so I admit it. I'm a eensy weensy bit overly dramatic at times...


My husband picked up a few snacks at the grocery the other day.

I came home from work feeling ravenous (I know, so out of character. FOCUS.) and grabbed the first thing that I could find...


I don't know if it was because I was expecting something else, but these wheatables never made it down. My brain said, "YUCK" and my mouth shot it out and into the garbage faster than I could have even said it.

Turns out they are TOASTED PECAN wheatables.

I gave it a second try once I learned this information. You know, just to make sure. Same flavor. Same smell. Same response.

YUCK! Gross, EEW, DISGUSTING. [Feel free to insert your own adjective of choice here for effect.]

2 GIANT thumbs DOWN!!

Resist the urge. Take my word on this one.

And you're welcome.


  1. Nuts! I wanted to like these, but I was thinking that it could go either way. Yum or yuck. I'll take your word for it.

    Glad you liked my love saga. The jury's still out on whether I'll mail the postcard. :)

  2. LOL ... I do that! :) Not often enough or on the things I should. I'm more apt to do it to things like broccoli and cauliflower! :)

    Yes, I grew up in Maine. Thanks for visiting my blog! Love yours!

  3. They look so good on the box and I know that I would be way tempted to buy them. So THANK YOU for the review.

  4. I would love for these to work and also to be like 5 calories per serving, but we can't always get what we want. Maybe this is true to the trying sometimes to just might find you get what you need which apparently, is not these crackers.

    I love me some crackers, but I try to stay away from pecan crusted anything because they add too many calories and too little flavor. Do you find the same?

  5. Well they look good! But I will be passing those up! No need to waste my money! Thanks for the warning!

  6. Melissa, although I agree that they may have more calories, these little suckers have plenty of punch. As in- packed with plenty of flavor! It's just not a flavor that seems appropriate for a cracker. Maybe more apt to fit in the cereal category with some milk. And that's a BIG maybe on that. I'm really not a fan, in case you couldn't tell.

  7. See, this is good info to know! This is something I would've picked up and wasted money on. My wallet thanks you, and my taste buds thank you ;)

  8. So, my initial reaction of scrunching up my nose and saying ewww while viewing the photo was right on??? ;)

  9. I had the exact same reaction with the Low Cal Apple Cinnamon kettle corn. I sooooo wanted to like it but it wasn't to be.

  10. They do not look good to me, good to know :)!

  11. That so looks like something I would buy, so it's good to know it's not worth it!

  12. lol thanks for the warning! I love posts like this because I'm always curious on how things are - but then I buy a box and only eat a few! so thank you!

  13. Thanks for the heads up!! They look like something I would grab!

  14. Thanks for the warning... I would have totally bought these to try them... now I'll go to my old favorites...

  15. Alicia,

    I found a quote I thought you might enjoy, "If you dont think everyday is a good day, try living without one." Vicki

  16. Ha! it isn't often we read "bad" reviews on blogs!

  17. I bought those thinking they were "unique" and looked good. I agree, though! They were so gross! The kids wouldn't even eat them, which is saying a lot as they seem to act like I starve them and scarf down anything they can get their hands on!

  18. Thanks Life in Notes. So glad to finally know someone who tried them and concurs. When kids won't eat them, come on. Keebler, you need to scrap these.

  19. Weird, I've never seen these. I hate it when I am all excited for a snack and then PUKE, BLAH, ICK, whatever I have tastes no good. It makes you wonder if that particular thing tastes good to anyone.

  20. I've never seen these! Do you like raw pecans? I sure do but I guess it doesn't mean you'll like something made from them. I'll put these on my list of foods never to try!
