A way to release all that built up hostility before the weekend. You know, all those little annoying and infuriating things that manage to worm their way under your skin and fester until you want to pull all your hair our and scream at the top of your lungs. A virtual detox if you will.
If you would like to participate in this novel idea go over to kludgymom and grab her badge to add to your post.
Now to begin. Ahem....
To the doctor who was condescending and patronizing... you may have been through more school than myself, but I am not a child and do not appreciate being treated as one. You can take that worthless piece of paper hanging on your wall and shove it where the sun doesn't shine... FLIP OFF!
To the despicable, exasperating, maddening, piece of crap, lousy, no good, lying banker who caused our short sale to be cancelled and undue stress in my life... TRIPLE FLIP OFF.
To mediacom who has to have the worst service on this side of the pacific ocean... FLIP OFF.
To the old lady at the grocery check-out with the attitude and the nasty 6 inch long hair on her upper lip... FLIP OFF. Grow a sense of humor and invest in a razor why don't ya.
To those pesky allergens that seem to be wreaking havoc in my sinus cavities causing my throat to swell up and my eyes to itch nonstop... FLIP OFF. (One day I'm going to conquer you yet!)
And last but certainly not least...
To whomever was the brains behind the 3rd grade projects this year... You and I both know that no 8 or 9 year old can do that work by themselves. For the torturous hours spent trying to finish that timeline causing me to lose precious sleep and a well earned work-out... FLIP OFF.
Ahhh... That is so incredibly therapeutic! Now it's YOUR turn. Yes you. Feel free to leave your flip-offs here or you can start it up over at your neck of the blogosphere. Let me know so I can link you up.
HAPPY FRIDAY y'all! Now go have yourselves a swankin fun weekend!
Wow! I love the idea! About the grocery store clerk -- I had my own similar experience. Sometimes, people suck!
ReplyDeleteLove it!! Such a perfect way to end the week....and I especially agree about the doctor and the 3rd grade projects....
ReplyDeleteYou won an award! Visit me to pick it up!
ooooh! I love it! Going to have to join in next Friday (if I remember!) :)
ReplyDeleteGreat vents! Makes you feel so much better doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteVery, very funny! And releasing!
ReplyDeleteSo know the short sell frustration...went through the mortgage company letting six offers fall through. I finally vented after the mortgage lady refused to review our case again, by saying..."How do you sleep at night?"
ReplyDeleteI hope that all works out for you soon!!! It is very stressful and no fun. Ours took one year and tears at the closing table....keep your chin up.......
You have a way with words - you make me laugh. Have a beautiful weekend and Happy Mother's Day!
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha!! Good ones. The one about the condescending doctor is so relateable to me. I hate hate hate that. You may be a doctor, but I promise I know a little more about MY body. Treat me like an adult woman, please!
ReplyDeleteI will be participating in next Friday's Flip Off. Cathartic is an understatement!
Okay, this post and idea is AWESOME!! I loved the triple flip off! I've already got my list going for next week...woo hoo!!
ReplyDeleteHilarious. Glad you got all of that off your chest!!
ReplyDeleteHaha! What a great blog carnival. I so sorry to hear about the problems with the short sale. How upsetting!
ReplyDeleteAs for me... To the woman in Golden Corral who, along with her entourage, nearly knocked my 7-year old daughter over with her big behind while cutting in front of my husband and 3 children...all for a sucky buffet. You're lucky that my husband is a gentleman and was in a good mood. And you're also lucky that I was busy nursing my baby over at a table in the far side of the restaurant. Had I known what had transpired, I would've had a thing or two to say to you and I wouldn't have been nice. No one - and I mean NO ONE - treats my family that way!
Phew! I feel better. lol Thanks for letting me vent. :) Have a great evening.
Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud
What a great idea! And I love seeing this side of you! you're fiesty - ha, ha!
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
I've had it with service companies (phone, cable, internet, etc.) that take your information about a service outage and then want to take the opportunity to talk about upgrading to a more expensive package.
ReplyDeleteSeriously? I'm calling to tell you your service sucks, and you want me to buy more?
Grace, that's so funny and TRUE! I hate that too!