Crazy Loves Company


Have you ever?

1. Have you ever felt certifiably nuts?

2. Have you ever secretly hoped for rain so you could have an excuse to be lazy?

3. Have you ever seen a spider and felt paralyzed?

4. Have you ever choked from breathing wrong?

5. Have you ever heard children laughing at 1:40AM with none to be found?

6. Have you ever eaten an entire tub of mini wafers all by yourself?

7. Have you ever dreamed you were on a magic carpet and could fly?

8. Have you ever forgotten to eat and had your kids remind you?

9. Have you ever eaten geoduck?

10. Have you ever had a panic attack in Wal-Mart?

11. Have you ever found yourself staring at someone and couldn’t stop?

12. Have you ever felt giddy about a photo?

13. Have you ever burnt two packages of popcorn in a row?

14. Have you ever cleaned your house naked?

15. Have you ever kissed a fish?

16. Have you ever rescued a mouse from an electrical box?

17. Have you ever peed in a lake?

18. Have you ever used bleach to remove self tanning streaks?

19. Have you ever slept for 20 hours straight?

20. Have you ever fallen flat on your face just walking?

21. Have you ever left your husband a voicemail that the house is on fire?

22. Have you ever taken a barf bowl on a plane with you?

23. Have you ever spent 5 hours making the perfect cupcakes for a school party?

24. Have you ever flossed while on the streets of New York?

25. Have you ever been convinced there was a man living in your attic?

On a scale from 1-10, 10 being completely nuts, where do I rank?
How would you rank yourself? Feel free to share examples.

Come on peeps, help me out here. After all, crazy loves company!

By the way, at the end of Little Man's photoshoot, we were all laughing our heads off.


  1. Crazy..but still beautiful!!!

  2. I qualify on about 80% of this list. Eek! I'm 80% crazy!

  3. Don't tell me youve done ALL of these things on this list?? Ha ha, loved the bleach/self-tanning lotion one... all the rest I've done, except for rescuing the mouse, housecleaning naked, and eating a box of mini-wafers in one sitting. I don't know what those are - but I've probably eaten a packet of cookies in one sitting - does that count??
    Oh and my panic attack wasn't in walmart because we don't have walmart in NZ, but how about a packed movie theatre???
    I think Crazy is the new Normal :)

  4. I remember when you thought a man was living in your attic...

  5. This is a fun list and the pictures are riot! I bet your kids are going to grow up thankful that they have such a fun mom.


  6. I think being a mom can classify all of us as some level of crazy! I love the pics and the honest...SO funny!

  7. Ummm...yeah! I have done most of these I nuts ;)

  8. Those photos are just adorable!!

    And I suppose according to that list, I'm pretty crazy too. :)

  9. LOL I ♥ your list!! I will definitely answer them in my blog here in just a minute. =) Also, loved the photos!! I might call them crazy/beautiful...;)

  10. Cute!
    And, yes, I'm certifiably crazy! Ha~!

  11. Tx fan here!! Love your blog!!

  12. Ii feel crazy about 50% of the time!!!

    Have you ever found yourself staring at someone and couldn’t stop?
    Yes, and it's ALWAYS a creepy guy at Walmart with a mullet and no teeth - and then he tries to hit on me {shivers}

    Smile - people don't think you're near as crazy as you are if you SMILE!


  13. I don't see what's so crazy about any of those things SHUT UP I'M TYPING. Really, people get so WON'T THESE VOICES EVER STOP YELLING AT ME? worked up over the littlest things. You seem perfectly sane WHY WON'T THAT BLOOD COME OFF THE WALLS. Have a good one!

  14. Ok, you crack me up! I guess I might be a little crazy too... I havent done all of these things.. but, maybe a few.

  15. You sound perfectly normal to me ;)

  16. I have done a few of those.

    I've also licked the applesauce of my 9 month old's face/hands when there aren't wipes handy. Crazy.

  17. Yes to all of them!

    And, your hair was looking especially great!!

  18. Crazy? eh, maybe. Funniest blogger I follow? YES!!

  19. Thank God I'm not the only one crazy out there! Actually you seem pretty normal compared to some of the stuff I've seen. :)

  20. I love that you did a pulling-your-hair-out photo shoot! I have done at least a handful of these, and I've slept for more than 20 hours in a row, so I'm extra nuts on that.

  21. Yep, I'm crazy too! I think we may all be a little crazier than what others think we are! =)

  22. Beautiful and inspiring photos and blog! And no, you are not alone on the crazy train...I'll bring the wine! ;-)

  23. Great photos!! I would say on a good day, maybe I rate a 6 or 7....I do have 5 kids after all. Great list, totally made my day as I can check off a number of those. But, 25....a man living in your attic, eh? That is a story I am sorry I missed!!

  24. Yep I'm 100% crazy and I only have one kid. I wonder what will happen when I have a second.

  25. Okay, I could check most of the things on that list!

  26. Wait...what the heck is geoduck? I will say I have done a few of those things, but cleaning the house naked?? That's hilarious! Why did you do it out of curiosity!!

    I think you are just as crazy as the rest of us, and that's why we love you!

  27. Fun pictures and great list!! Have you ever seasoned meat with cinnamon instead of cumin? Have you ever thrown a tantrum at work? Have you ever talked to a dog like he was a real person? :)

  28. I am not ashamed to admit that I have done about 78.4% of the things on that list. That percentage is so accurate you could use it to shoot someone square in the kneecap. I'm a new follower of your blog . . . because it's lovely and crazy. Right up my alley.

  29. OK you a irisistable (?sp). Saw that you followed me in blogfrog so thought I'd return the favor. This post would make anyone smile. :-)

  30. It looks like I'm pretty crazy, too!

  31. yes, yes, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, no,no,no,yes,no, I wish, yes, no, no, yes, no, no

  32. Yep, that's pretty crazy, yet normal.

    What in the world is number 9?

  33. Well I just posted a thing on FaceBook for my friends to describe me in one word and the most popular seems to be " crazy "

    Love the pics...

  34. This was an awesome post! Thanks for the laugh. I reread it again tonight because I needed a pick-me-up. I'm proud to report that I answered yes to 13 of your questions. Now what in the world is a geoduck and why did you help a mouse out of the electrical box? I hate rodents! Eek!
    Thanks for stopping by today. Your comment brought a smile to my face. :) Have a great night Lish.

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

  35. Hahahahaha I love this post! You're beautiful btw and doesn't look crazy at all :D

  36. You're definitely a fun, gorgeous and silly mommy. Cute post, way cute.

  37. OMG! What a fun photo shoot! I love it!

    I wish I read this earlier, I needed a good giggle. You must win the fun mom award!

  38. LOVE this post and apparently, we are equally crazy, because I have to say, i was answering "yes" to lots of these :)

  39. These pictures are so cute. YOU are so cute. I want you to live by me and infuse my life with your smile and optimism and all around goodness.

    However. I have to say. You've kissed a fISH? EKKKKKKKKKK. :)

  40. Yes--1,4,8,10(Hobby Lobby),11,13,17 (hasn't everyone?), 20,21.

    Good gracious. What a pleasant crazy you must be experiencing.

    I am going to have to think on 25. I could totally add that one if I gave it any thought. Always looking for ways to grow.

  41. Yes, yes and yes to all LOL BTW you are beautiful!!!

  42. thanks for stopping by my blog! your's is SUPER cute! (i made my header with the switching photos in photoshop. you can google how to make a slideshow is photo shop. there are tons of tutorials!)
    have a great wednesday :)
