Launching Project Smile

As I get older I realize that there are certain Alicia quirks that are unchangeable as hard as I may fight them.

I love fall. It is by far my favorite season. I love the changing colors, the crisp leaves, sipping on soups and cider, digging out my cute scarves and hats, the chill in the air…

Unfortunately it also represents the end of summer and the beginning of school and homework and schedules and routines- none of which are my fav. And although I love so much about it, it is one of the shortest seasons followed by snowy, dark days. And in Iowa there are LOTS of them.

Some experience S.A.D. typically in the winter months, but for me it hits the end of Aug/beginning of Sept just like clockwork. It’s hard to articulate, but it is as if my body subconsciously knows what is coming.

This year I have been racking my brain trying to think of something that may help with this transition. Last year I had my project 365 which kept me focused on finding the beauty around me. And although I am still working on a modified project 365, it is not the same in terms of commitment.

I need a new focus. A new goal.

That is how Project Smile was born.

We all have wonderful things in our lives everyday. Things that typically are overlooked and often forgotten when negative thoughts creep in and set up shop.

So, to combat this I am going to be focusing on finding my smile.

It doesn’t even have to be an outward smile. Anything that gives you a warm fuzzy or makes you feel happy or content. Even for just a moment.

This week’s list includes: a mini butterfinger bar and a cold glass of milk, a tan wooly bugger that crossed my path, seeing a tractor crossing sign on my running trail, meeting a new goal, enjoying perfect weather, my daughter’s excitement about a painted lady butterfly, and little man's winning goal.

Nothing mind blowing or life altering. No fireworks. Just moments that make me smile.

I will be sharing my smiles at the end of every month and I would like to extend an invitation for you to play along.

You may not be plagued by S.A.D., but everyone can benefit from focusing on the sweet moments that bring a smile.

Please join me on my quest.

I’ll be posting the last day of every month starting in September.

Here’s a button you can use if you want to play along.


(You'll have to grab it on the sidebar. Or save it as an image.)

Together we can make the world just a little brighter, one smile at a time.