The Million Dollar Idea.


Who woulda thunk it?

Rubberbands people!!

Did you hear me?

Someone decided to make them shapes...

and Voila!

Just like that... it's the million dollar idea. If only I'd thought of it a few minutes sooner.

They call them silly bandz or crazy bandz and they even have their own facebook fan page at nearly 340,000 people and growing.

Every kid MUST have them. In every shape and color imaginable.


If you can think it, they've already done it.

Unicorns, horses, cats, dogs, sharks, bunnies, crosses, lambs, kangaroos, angels, dragonflies, letters, spongebob... to name a few.

They even have hawkeye ones at Scheels. (Not that I'm promoting any teams here.)

Look at your local sporting goods stores for your fav sports teams. Dicks Sporting Goods carries them too.

Oh, and don't forget the glow in the dark or scented ones.

Seriously, it's the phenomenon of the 21st century.

You collect them, trade them, create with them, wear them, organize them, get in trouble for them. (Our elementary has already made a no trading rule while at school.)


It's the latest, greatest... And if you haven't heard about them you must crawl out from that rock you're under right this very minute.

Cause it's not a craze here folks. No, it's a revolution and they are going to conquer the world.

(This is a horse if you couldn't tell.)

They're only a few bucks and make it an easy decision when you have a begging child or need a great bribe. (And no I would never reward a begging child or stoop to bribery.)

For me it was garbage pail cards. I hope this doesn't date me too much. What was your favorite fad through the years?


  1. i remember garbage pail kids! regular jelly bracelets, too!

  2. My kids just brought some of these home last week. I'd never even seen them. You are right....truly a million dollar idea and why didn't we think of it? :o)

  3. I remember garbage pail kids. I only had a few. My mom didn't like them so she didn't buy them for us.

  4. kids have had these since ohio (in july)....they were already there for a while in stores....all were SHOCKED we had never heard of them! then we get home and they are everywhere!

  5. And lets not forget they have them in rings and necklaces too. My daughter begs for them all the time. We use them as her reward.

  6. Yes, to funny, my girls are just getting into them! Why couldn't I think of that? Makes me want to sit and think of the next best thing so I can get rich too!! I remember pods (I think that's what they were called) small round disks with designs on them that you traded!

  7. Totally remember garbage pail kids! We LOVED jelly bracelets...and WAY back in the day we had sticker albums...scratch and sniffs, puffies, fuzzies...flashback :)

  8. UGH! This has been going on in our area since last spring and I have to say that I'm OVER IT! At first I thought it was cute, but now they're all over the house and one was stuck in my vacuum yesterday! Grrrrr. And not to be Debbie Downer, but they had a problem with hand, foot and mouth disease at daycare at my gym....we figured it might have been all the silly band trading? Dunno, but they're banned from there now. Ewwww.

    Best of luck in your silly band saga! ;)

  9. I saw these in the checkout at Walmart and I was laughing about them all the way home and who knew that they could be so entertaining we may have to try some!

  10. I loved these at first until a friend of mine's little boy was complaining his arm was hurting and turns out they were embedding in his arm! Which is why I make all the kids I am close to with them only put a few on at a time. Some kids like to pile them on! I have to say though I bought some for my sister that were like toy story or something ... they are too cute! I wanted an alien but she wouldn't share! lol

    pods... I remember pods well.

  11. Pogs for Sure! My school had to ban them entirely because kids would loose 5, 10 and even more on one slam! Not to mention those metal slammers were really heavy.

  12. My daughter is all about the silly bandz. I'm trying to get her to be good about sharing them, but their still too new for her!

  13. UGH!!! My house is littered with these things!! Every shop has them now...even the hardware stores! Soooo crazy!

  14. Hi Lish.

    Just discovered your blog yesterday. Love it. I haven't seen this craze hit NZ but I'm guessing it's only a matter of time.

    I remember jelly bracelets too! But I also remember all the girls being addicted to Sweet Valley High and Babysitter Club books too. Ah the memories!

  15. hi alicia, thats one of the things liked most !well i was really able to identify that Horse..take care!nice !

  16. Yep, Garbage Pail Kids and slap bracelets! Loved those things. My kids are all about those Silly Bands too. However, their school has now banned them. I guess there were a lot of addicted kids! =)

  17. Yup, these have made it in our house here in Canada, too! I remember jelly bracelets, and those scratch and sniff stickers with the albums we put them in. Oh, and marbles were huge when I was a kid, we played them in the school yard all the time.

  18. Ok, guess I'll delete my post idea about Crazy Bands from my drafts folder! You did it better than I ever could have!! Great!

  19. I remember garbage pail kids, although my mom wouldn't let me have them! I was also big into jelly bracelets!

    You forgot the tye-dye ones. And there's also necklaces and rings! I wish I would have thought of those things!

  20. Garbage Pail Kids! Ha! Haven't thought of them in years! And what about jelly bracelets, shoes, and purses?

    I heard of the Silly Bands and I've seen them, but I didn't know that the rubberband thingies were actually the Silly Bands!

  21. am i dating myself here?
    jelly shoes,
    and oh how I loved my barbie dolls

  22. Mine was Wacky Packs (I think that's what they were called!) and they recently made a comeback. They were just silly stickers with crazy names for actual products, and I loved them.

    Of course, that dates me right there...

  23. Oh my age is gonna show now, you might not even know what mine are... Trolls! They were the "must have" with wacky colored hair and babies too! Love the photos.

  24. I know, I see these things EVERYWHERE! My kids are not into them yet...but with my son just starting Kinder, I'm sure it's around the corner. I remember jellies and anything Hello Kitty being big for me!

  25. Ah, garbage pail kids...those were the days! I had an entire shoebox full and it was the thing to trade at girl scout camp. I'm so glad my kids are too young to be into the silly bands! At least they are inexpensive and pretty cute.

  26. My niece is obsessed with these! She has even given Will a couple and he wears them on occassion.
    I was so into Garbage pail kids too! Brings back great memories!

  27. I'm old. We had trolls, Wacky Packs, and pet rocks. :)

    I tagged you in this post:

  28. For us, they started with my sophomore son coming home with a few. Then, my 11 year old son became obsessed with them. We have seen animals, pirates, princesses, rock stars and tv characters to name a few. I am ready for the craze, the revolution, to end.

  29. yoyos once a year and shrinking chip packets in the oven down to miniature amnd then wearing them as a pendant. They were so coool!

  30. My husband and I just had this conversation the other day. Our kids are crazy for silly bandz (or is it they're driving us crazy with silly bandz?). For me it was slap bracelets. There was no bruise big enough to convince me to stop slappin' em on! For the hubs it was Kabangers. The real deal ones before they were pulled from shelves. Apparently kids were knocking out their teeth and what not!

  31. Silly bandz are all over our school too! And "pogs" were big when I was in school :)

  32. I've never even heard of these (proceeds to push large rock off of me). And I totally remember garbage pail kids!

  33. I'm always a day late and a dollar short with the million dollar ideas! Maybe one day I will get my break! I totally remember the garbage pail kids!!! I also remember all the black and neon colored jelly bracelets. My 4 year old even has those bracelets!

  34. I had NO idea what these were until like a month ago when my friend's daughter showed me all of hers. I had heard of them, but had never seen them. I could call them ridiculous, but really? I was into those plastic jelly bracelets and popbeads, and surf bracelets. Sigh...fads are so cool.

  35. kid HAD to have some when his daycare buddy had some. His 7 year old sister started the fad. So I searched and searched and found some 'fake' ones in the grocery store. Cars and Dinos. And now he has toy story ones, shrek ones and baseball ones. they're in a bag in the closet. I'm hoping when he starts kindy on tuesday, he isn't 'reminded' of them.

    Know what I use them for? Like a wine charm...but around a glass or bottle of beer. It's a perfect solution! flexible, color coded, awesomesauce.

  36. These ARE awesome! It's always the other guy who thinks of the good ideas!
