So, on my lovely stroll through my wordless wednesday linky party, I found this magnificent gem, a music linkup.
I haven't talked much about my music here unless you count my vlog, but I have a love of almost all kinds. However, I tend to lean more towards alternative, soft country, and christian rock. Hubs hates when I listen to it in the car, so I do it when he isn't around. If you haven't listened to it before you should give it a gander cause it's come a long way. It is more like my alternative stuff. When I'm with hubs I listen to heavy metal. It's better than rap, which I detest. (This falls into the 2% of ones I don't care for.)
I get sick of music fast, especially when it is played on the radio 100 times a day. So, I'm always on a mission to find new sounds and I mix up my playlist on a regular basis. My favorite new-to-me band I recently found is Bright Eyes. A few of you noticed and left comments.
For those of you who haven't heard it, enjoy.
Before you leave, I have a teeny tiny favor. I've had mixed comments about the music I share on my blog. Turns out some people who read blogs at work have issues and find it blaringly annoying. Then there others of you who seem to like to keep it open for hours of enjoyment.
Would you kindly take a quick poll so I can get a better idea of what my readers prefer. Just a quick yes or no.
Thanks! Always glad to see you over at a beautiful mess. You can also find me @projectalicia.
You can grab the linky at Lady Java's Lounge.