Tasty Tuesdays Bloghop: Mom's Pink Stuff

In need of one last minute side for that Thanksgiving feast? Got a winner for ya.

A secret ancient Danish recipe thanks to my mom-in-law. Ok, so not so Danish. Or ancient. Or secret anymore. But it is a fav of hubs. There is no feast complete without the pink stuff. And it has now been adopted by my own mother and family members, particularly when hubs is present.

This is the original copy you will find in my collection of recipes, written by the very hand of my sweet, Danish mom-in-law. It is a must have, dear to my hub's heart kinda recipe. One that we all treasure.


And let me apologize for the quality. Taken by an iphone and texted to another iphone by hubs himself. After a long 8 hour drive to KY with the kidlets I am exhausted. Luckily no kids were left on the side of the road and we all made it in one piece with sanity intact. But boy is that drive a killer.

So, back to my point. The photo. When all else fails, technology can sure be a lifesaver. And yes, this is the same girl that dropped the "I'm having an... all things techy burnout" on twitter. Even after I badmouth it to it's face- it still pulls through for me in my hour of need.

But because I'm kind I'll throw in an easier to read version.

Mom's Pink Stuff
1 large strawberry jello
1 can pineapple
2 cups buttermilk
1 12 oz cool whip

Heat jello and pineapple in sauce pan to boiling. Put in refrigerator to jell slightly. Then stir in buttermilk. Last, fold in cool whip. Refrigerate at least 3 hours before serving. Makes 9x13 pan.

The absolute best kind of recipe. Few ingredients. Thrown together in a pinch. A perfect addition to any meal. Sure to be a crowd pleaser. And if you'd ask hubs, anything with cool whip is a winner.

Feel free to link up any recipe you would like to share. I'm sure we all have some fab recipes on the brain with this being Thanksgiving week and all.

I have much to be thankful for and what a wonderful holiday that gives us reason to reflect on the many blessings in our lives. Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday filled with family, fun, and much good food.