Wordless Wednesday Linky Party: A Winter Wonderland

Every now and again it appears mother nature and the master of the universe join forces to produce something magical. Upon waking on Monday I peered out the window to witness one of those said, rare magical moments. I felt like I was in another world. It was a winter wonderland of sorts. And no word can adequately describe the sheer perfection that my eyes beheld. So I did what had to be done. I grabbed my boots and camera and ventured out to capture it. However, admittedly- it was also a bit of a letdown. It was more beautiful than anything my shutter could sequester. Wish I would have grabbed my bogs instead. The snow was deep after half a foot or more had just fallen the couple days prior.

I am no scientist. Nor do I wish to be even in a subsequent life. However, turns out when a thick fog rolls in and temps are below freezing simultaneously, the condensation freezes on branches and limbs like something out of a sci-fi movie. The results are breathtaking. No, that is not snow on those branches. Those are tiny individual ice crystals perfectly preserved and frozen in time. Like magic.

If it wasn't for the freezing temps part, it would be a perfect world.

And although this does not begin to do it justice... enjoy my interpretation of a winter wonderland. (Hopefully in the comfort of your nice warm home.)









Link up below and then head over and check out some of the other great WWs. Wordless Wednesday Headquarters, Live and Love Out Loud, Parenting For Dummies, and 5 minutes for mom. You can also find a complete list of WW hosts over at Shibley Smiles.

Happy Wordless Wednesday!