WW: Bidding Adieu

After four gruelling months of showings and open houses; having to be "on" 24/7 right smack through our summer break, a week of what I like to call "countering hell", accepting an offer that put us upside down, learning we had 14.3pCi/L units of radon in our home (more than 3 times the acceptable limit in Iowa) and are all dying of lung cancer (kidding- I hope), damage to our roof that totally caught us by surprise, a ridiculous inspector that convinced our buyers the lime stone fascia was built incorrectly- nearly costing us the sale, a delayed appraisal due to the current interest rates, a cancelled airline flight causing our first house hunting trip to have to be cancelled and babysitters rescheduled...

It is blatantly evident that selling a home today is nothing short of a nightmare.

That, or I may be related to Charlie Brown.

Bleary-eyed, sleep deprived and ready to pull my hair out...


After more than half a lifetime in the midwest...

The impossible has happened. Are you sitting down?



Getting UNSTUCK if you will.

Not sure exactly where to yet, but somewhere in the greater Columbia, SC area- to warmer weather. We have been narrowing down schools and neighborhoods. Kinda tricky being 1000+ miles away, but we are doing what we can to ensure we are not homeless. 1.5 days just isn't really enough time to find a place. Hoping to have one more house hunting trip before the close date the end of October.

And crossing our fingers and toes that there will be a lender that will give us a loan after our year of very, very expensive real estate learning lessons.

In case you've wondered about my absence, I've been in the school of life learning patience and long suffering. Maybe a little humility too.

In one of my recent whiny moments, hubs laid on some of his "wise words of wisdom" as only he can. Although I may have pretended not to hear, his words ring true.

(You can grab this 4x6 freebie here.)

Wish us luck on this new chapter of our life. I've wanted it for as long as I can remember (you would too if you had these hard Iowa winters) but it certainly doesn't make it any easier of a transition. Good or bad, change is change.

We've held out as long as we could just in case it didn't work out, but now that the appraisal has been released and accepted, the sign is up (see pic above), and hubs has given notice, I think it's safe to share the news.

But the waiting isn't over yet...

If you are a praying individual I could use a few more prayers on our behalf. I'd really like a place to drop our stuff in a couple weeks.

Thanks for the continued support and friendship. Oh, and if you have any info you are privy to about Irmo/Chapin, SC feel free to send it this way. My email is callmelish(at)gmail(dot)com.

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