Fall foliage. Yummy soups. Mugs of hot cider. Football season. Cozy sweaters. Corn mazes. Hayrack rides. Spiced pumpkin bread. Halloween. Haunted houses. Apple orchards. Piles of leaves. Crisp temps. So many wonderful things to be excited about this time of year...

Me? I'm giddy over all the c a n d y c o r n. {Insert smile here.} I'm head over heels. Car-azy for the stuff! Don't tell my dentist.


(Download this Candy Corn-Aholic Definition Card here.)

Don't hide. I know that I am not alone. Last week as I was grabbing blogger stats for my new sponsor page I noticed my For the Love of Candy Corn post (from last fall) was one of my most viewed pages of all time. Then out of the blue I got a comment on that post from nearly a year ago. So, I did some checking on pinterest.

If you type http://pinterest.com/source/yourdomain.com (insert your own domain where it says yourdomain) into the url you will see what is being pinned from your site. Turns out the candy corn pics and candy corn recipes were popular pins from project alicia.

These are some of our fav candy corn treats around here. You can find the candy corn bark and salty n' sweet mix recipes here.

You can grab the 4x6 pudding recipe card here.

And below are just a few of the fab finds on my candy corn pinterest board. Just pop over and see for yourself. People are so stinkin' creative!


(Oh, and on a side note, if you are a little pinterest addicted like myself, here's a fab tutorial from clickin moms to add that little pin button to the end of your blog posts.)

And if that wasn't enough, I happened on some gummy candy corns while standing in line at T.J. Maxx. They stared me down.

And I just had to have them. 'Cause that's what candy corn-aholics do. (Not the best pic, but you get the idea.) They tasted of butterscotch and were a hit here. Psst... check out the reflection behind me (in the above photo) of our beautiful autumn foliage.

To make matters worse, I just received the new Martha Stewart magazine to find a fun new candy corn treat to try. You'll have to stay tuned. I ran out of the peanut butter cups before I could get to it. But soon. Very soon.

You know, crazy loves company... Just sayin.


Before I close I just wanted to mention that Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge begins this Friday, October 7th! This week's theme is green. You can find the complete list of upcoming themes as well as details about the challenge here. I hope you will join Rebecca (of Bumbles & Light), Kristi (of Live and Love out Loud), and me. Can't wait to see your color inspired photos!

And to kick off October, here's a 4x6 freebie to grab, perfect for those fall scrapbook pages perhaps? That Carol Hipps read my mind- love this quote. I'm actually compiling all of my favorite random quotes into one fab book. Do you have a fall quote you love?

Thanks for dropping by! Link your photo(s) below and then swing back later to check out a few new blogs.

Wordish WednesdayLive and Love...Out Loudseven clown circusBetter in Bulk
The Paper Mama NapTime MomTogand then, she {snapped}

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