WW: Life is Like a Rollercoaster


After proclaiming to the world that life is beautiful last week... I took off in the car with a couple suitcases and the kids to grammy's. The 8 hour drive was much more scenic than my previous Iowa to Kentucky route, only the kids didn't seem to be feeling it. And the DS, DVDs, and ipod were boring by the 4th hour. Must be rough being a kid in 2012. So, they took to tormenting each other until my 10 1/2 yr old decided to bite her 12 1/2 year old sibling. This is definitely not in the mom handbook...

And as if my drive sans hubs with naughty children wasn't enough, since our arrival we discovered a new outbreak of lice (I thought the first one last year was going to be the death of me), my parents both contracted nasty cases of poison ivy, little man was stung on the bottom of his foot by a wasp, and I woke to an allergy induced, goopy pink eye... I think if this is a test, I may be failing. Needless to say, I've not been sleeping well and I am far from my best self.


But in the midst of all the chaos that seems to accompany any Barnes family gathering, we headed to King's Island. Although I don't necessitate an adrenaline rush, I decided to try the Diamondback on a whim. It has an 85 mph vertical drop. And gotta tell ya, although I nearly wet myself and lost my dinner... it was a blast. It reminded me that life is like a roller coaster. And we do have a choice. And although life throws ya some less than pleasant doses of reality from time to time, we can kick and scream or try to enjoy the ride.

So, as I spend my last days here in Kentucky with my family I'm gonna try my best to put on a smile.

Before I close, I wanted to draw your attention to my current giveaway. Photobucket Rebecca, of Simple as That, has generously offered one of my Project Alicia readers a copy of Real. Life. Photography as well as a set of Addy Lane's Simple Fixes Actions. Whether you're a pro photog, novice, or mom... you'll love these! The giveaway will be open through Friday at midnight. Just click on the image and leave a comment to enter.

Also, don't forget you are welcome to join Kristi of Live and Love out Loud, Rebecca of Bumbles & Light, and me for our Summer Daze Photo Party every Friday thru July 20th. No prompts. Any camera works. And if you are in need of a little inspiration, we have a FREE Bucket List.

This is Wordless Wednesday, but as you can see Wordful and Not So Wordless Posts are always welcome here. Just grab a photo and link up below! And if you'd like to connect with other WW participants, click HERE or one of the thumbnails below.

and then, she {snapped}The Paper MamaLive and Love...Out Loudseven clown circusBetter in Bulk NapTime MomTog

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