WW: Determination

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For those of you who may be new here, I had PRK Laser EYE Surgery 2 weeks ago. It is definitely not Lasik and my recovery is testing my patience like nothing else. My doctor tells me it could be 6 weeks before my vision is clear. If you would like to learn more about it, I have been sharing updates via my facebook page.

From the moment your eyes crack in the wee morning hours until the time your head hits the pillow at night and all the hours in between... Your eyes are busy at work reading and processing information all around you- Can you imagine a world without sight or even one with a hazy layer?

I know that this is only a temporary disturbance for me and that in my very near future I will be blessed with perfect vision without the use of any lenses. But I have had some moments of doubt in there and plenty of time to reflect...

This experience has given me a renewed appreciation for the sight that I do have. Being such a visual person I can not begin to imagine a life without the ability to see. My heart aches for those that live without the use of their eyes. They are extraordinary and I marvel at their abilities.

We all endure trials of one degree or another from time to time in our lives... but I do believe we have something within us that is greater than any obstacle placed in our path... At least that's what I'm clinging to at the present as I delve into the holiday season with a to do list a mile long and some pretty wonky vision.

As always, thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate the continued support and friendship. If we haven't already, let's connect:

Today I am banning together with Josh Johnson and the IG community to protest the spam and disturbing happenings on Instagram since the billion dollar exchange of hands. If you are on instagram and have experienced even some of this, please join me. Write a letter to Mark Zuckerberg and send it to him here. I am but one voice but together we can make a difference! Let's get our Instagram back! You can read my letter here.

Also, I have a freebie and giveaway planned later in the week so stop back or subscribe so you don't miss out!

This is Wordless Wednesday. Or in my case, Not so Wordless. You can grab my button in the sidebar but it is not required to participate. Just grab any photo and come link up! And if you'd like to connect with other WW participants, click HERE or one of the thumbnails below. It's a fun way to meet some new folks!

The Paper MamaPhotobucketPhotobucketseven clown circusPhotobucketBetter in BulkPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket