WW: Reminiscing

I must admit, my first passion is and will always be nature. There's nothing quite like escaping the noise of the world for a brisk stroll through the woods or a quiet moment on top of a mountainside to be reminded that there is a greater being in charge. It stirs my soul and speaks directly to my heart.
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But as much as I love my time communing with nature, I also love the rush of a great portrait shoot. Seizing tender moments that may otherwise go unnoticed...

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.” -Aaron Siskind

As I've been laid up sick I've had time to go through some of my photos and reminisce. Photography is a powerful medium and I'm so thankful for it's presence in my life.

I still have much to learn when it comes to my camera, but I hope that whatever level you are on the spectrum, you are making a conscious effort to capture life's fleeting moments.

In case you're new here, this is Wordless Wednesday. But as you can see, I have a hard time keeping it wordless, so Wordful or Not So Wordless posts are always welcome here. You can grab my button in the sidebar but it is not required to participate. Just grab any photo and come link up! And if you'd like to connect with other WW participants, click HERE or one of the thumbnails below. It's a fun way to meet some new folks!

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