WW: Unveiling Beauty

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This was snapped with an iphone 5 and edited in the picfx app. (PFX Film Set #5, my most recent go to.)

Only further proof that beautiful photos don't necessarily require a fancy camera or equipment that breaks the bank. Whether you have two feet of snow, drippy days or buds amidst a brown landscape, don't let mother nature get you down... I challenge you to grab your camera and venture out. There's nothing quite as rewarding as unveiling beauty beneath the shroud of darkness to lift your spirits.

I did actually dig out my DSLR recently. Click on the link below to see more of my spring captures.

Spring Nurture Photography Announcement

If you haven't heard, I'm teaming up with Rebecca of Bumbles and Light and Kristi of Live and Love out Loud once again to bring you a fun Spring Photo Challenge!

The first week begins April 5th with Yellow/Easter prompts and I'll have a fun freebie to share. The challenge will run through May 17th and is open to everyone regardless of skill level, time commitment, camera equipment or geographic location. You are sure to be nurtured and inspired, so mark your calendars! You can learn more here.

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P.S. The pollen came in around these parts last week and only exacerbated my already inflamed sinuses. I am now on antibiotics and hoping to kick this sickness soon. Thank you to all for the sweet well wishes.

In case you're new here, this is Wordless Wednesday. But as you can see, I have a hard time keeping it wordless, so Wordful or Not So Wordless posts are always welcome here. You can grab my button in the sidebar but it is not required to participate. Just grab any photo and come link up! And if you'd like to connect with other WW participants, click HERE or one of the thumbnails below. It's a fun way to meet some new folks!

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