WW: Hilton Head Island

For those who don't follow me on facebook, I apologize for my absence last week. This was my fb post late April 2nd...

"In lieu of my WW post I decided to spend the evening with my sister celebrating her birthday. She is leaving in the morning and I may not see her again for some time... If I was more on the ball, I'd have scheduled a post for tonight, but Easter and family time took precedence. I could give you a million excuses, but the truth is, I'm human. I'm on vacation. I'm playing crazy hard. I'm exhausted. And as much as I love ya'll, my blog does not come first..."

I began doing Wordless Wednesday on April 14, 2010 and began hosting a month later. In the nearly 3 years since I have never missed a post. Not one. Not when I was sick. Or traveling. Or with limited internet. Or moving. Not even after my eye surgery when I couldn't see. But sometimes there are times in life when you just need to unplug and escape the cares of the world. After a lingering sickness from hell, a new job, kid drama, blog deadlines, house guests and a holiday thrown in there... I was completely spent. So much so that I completely forgot about WW. I didn't even pack a computer or a card reader. I only picked up my big camera once in the three days we were away and it was only for a few brief moments. Most every photo taken was from the iphone and even those are few. Sometimes you just don't even want to think. And when I get to that point, there is no better place to go and unwind than the beach. (You can see a few other snaps at Hilton on Instagram.)

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It was a beautiful escape. Just what I needed. A reprieve from the pollen. Salty ocean air. No cell phone service in the hotel. Sand between my toes. Sunshine. Great food. Bike rides on the beach. Breathtaking sunsets. Laughter. Family time. Poolside lounging. Picturesque scenery. The soothing sounds of seagulls and ocean waves. Palm trees. Little primping (take note of my crazy untamed hair). And no blogging.
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Everyone needs some "me time" to recharge every once in a while, particularly you mothers out there who are a juggling circus act. It is imperative for our mental well being. It will make us happier and more successful at any task thrown our way. Even if you can't escape to the beach, I suggest carving out a few minutes from the routine to do something just. for. you. Novel idea, I know. (Wink, wink.) Try unplugging for a day. Or even an afternoon. You'd be surprised just how therapeutic it can be. We live in a time when we are too connected and too busy with things that really are of little value in the scheme of life. Constantly bombarbed by pinterest, facebook and blogs brimming with talent. It causes me to question my creativity and worth from time to time. It is unhealthy and exhausting. And should not control our lives. It requires a cap. Escape it and reconnect with you occasionally.

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Fonts used: sunshine in my soul, ostrich sans, 1942 report and abadi mt condensed extra bold. The bottom right photo was made using the "over" app

This collage was inspired from the wallstagram app. It is a PSD file which works perfectly in Photoshop or PSE. It has 10 clipping masks and is formatted as a 12x12 inch size. It could easily be resized to 6x6 or smaller. It would be great for a memory album or blog post. Just a little thank you for your continued support...

Download the Mixed Photo Collage Template Here

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I know we don't all live in or near a tropical paradise and for many of you, winter has been long and brutal. To help thwart off the winter blues, grab your camera and join Rebecca, Kristi and me for the Spring Edition of the Nurture Photography Challenge!

This week's Yellow/Easter prompt is open until Thursday, April 11th and I have a fun spring freebie. Next week's Turquoise/Splash prompt begins Friday, April 10th at 9AM and Kristi will have a great Aperture Tutorial. All are welcome to participate regardless of skill level, camera equipment or geographic location! It's a fun way to learn more about photography and meet some great folks! You can find more details here.

That's all for now. Thanks so much for stopping by! In case you're new here- welcome!

This is Wordless Wednesday, but as you can see, I have a hard time keeping it wordless. Wordful or Not So Wordless posts are always welcome here at Project Alicia. You can grab my button in the sidebar but it is not required to participate. Just grab any photo and come link up! And if you'd like to connect with other WW participants, click HERE or one of the thumbnails below.

The Paper MamaPhotobucketPhotobucketseven clown circusPhotobucketBetter in BulkPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket


  1. A-freakin-men to that! Sometimes unplugging is the best therapy ever, once you get over the weird withdrawals, like the internet is a drug or something. I like to hang out in the pool and just...exist. I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation, and I love the photos you DID get!

  2. Unplugging can in fact be a real benefit. I have done so, more out of sheer exhaustion than anything else. It has helped (though if I could have gotten to the beach it might have been even better :)

    Cheers and Happy WW!


  3. You've got to admit SC has some great beaches that are just a few hours away. Lovely shots.

  4. Oh yes! Priorities. Glad you took the time....

  5. Beautiful photos! So glad you had a fun time. I am glad you had a little break. I couldn't get that template link to work.

  6. I'm sorry, Sarah. I'm sort of limited right now and will try to look into it when I can. Thanks for letting me know.

  7. Gorgeous photos. I always look forward to linking up with you each Wednesday. Have a great week.

  8. I'm glad you got a little break - so needed sometimes. Missed you last week! :) Dagmar

  9. Gorgeous photos!! Everyone needs a break sometimes. :) Glad it was such a wonderful time for you!! xo

  10. Even though I missed viewing your post last week (I really did come check)...I totally agree, everyone needs to unplug and get some "me" time in! I'll often take a day off work just to dink around (yes...dink) and wander the back roads to see what I can photograph...love it!

    Glad you enjoyed your vacation, happy WW!

  11. Christy @ Hardly a HousewifeTuesday, 09 April, 2013

    Oh wow, those photos are amazing, and I so need a vacation like that! Looks perfect! It's so funny, as I've been unplugging a lot lately and spending more time away from the computer. I did a similar post encouraging others to do the same. I expected I would go crazy, being the internet addict I am, but it actually feels GREAT. So great that I'm having a really hard time coming back and throwing myself into blogging again. At this point I think I'm just in need of some signs of Spring to bring back my motivation. You're right - it's been a long, hard winter.

  12. Gorgeous photos! So glad you were able to get away and recharge! I need to do that also. Badly! Unfortunately it may be a couple months before I get to due to my husband's job.

  13. Maree @ Sincerelymaree.comWednesday, 10 April, 2013

    Such beautiful photos. I only live a couple of hours from Hilton Head, and I've never been there.. really hoping to visit some day soon.

    It's always refreshing when I unplug. I have to do it from time to time myself.

    I'm hope that you enjoyed your break.

  14. The photos are great!!!!

    We all need to push ourselves away from technology once in awhile and be with family or like you mentioned, 'Me time.'
    Please don't feel the need to explain. You went on a holiday...HOLIDAY!!!!! It looks like you had a great time!!!! Thank
    you for the pictures!!


  15. wonderful pics alicia! happy ww :)

  16. Marko @ Travel Photo BloggingWednesday, 10 April, 2013

    Great shots as always! I especially like that beach perfection on bikes. Beautiful!

  17. beautiful photos, as always alicia! glad you were able to recharge. hope you're feeling much better now. i wanted to ask how you used 2 fonts on a single over it edit. i tried without any luck.

  18. Gorgeous shots as always. Incidentally, our spring break was freezing.

  19. It took me the longest time to understand that it's okay for me to get away and have a short vacay for myself. Nowadays I feel less guilty over having to leave my kids with their dad for a day (or two) to be on my own. Love this weeks' WW post and the amazing photos.

  20. Beautiful! I've never been there but anything that says beach has my name all over it. I hope to make it to the beach this summer. With it being over 3 hours each way and a little one, we haven't made the trek yet.

  21. Oh how I totally get that....I am contemplating the great un-plug in my life...I have lost my original blogging love...

    And as always, what wonderful pics!!


  22. Great beach pics. It is so true that a little beach time is a great refresher. I live 10 minutes from the beach now and don't know how I ever survived without it.

  23. "It causes me to question my creativity and worth from time to time." --- This line so spoke to me. I've been sitting here telling myself to just let go and relax and enjoy... I feel so much pressure lately, and I'm the only one who puts this pressure on her. But I just want to be me and do what I love without feeling as though I have to proof myself. This post was just what I needed and I so agree with you about unplugging every once in a while and just relaxing!!!!

  24. Oh it's so important to "escape" the routines of everyday life every now and then ... to be, enjoy the moments together, seize the day ... Love the peace and joy that is hovering over your Pictures! Thank you for the photo-template ... I'm learning to to them at the moment :-)

  25. I'm happy for you that you were able to take such a nice break! Sometimes it's not easy to slow down, but once you do, you may wonder why you don't do it more often :)

  26. Beautiful shots. Unplugging from the daily grind is important.

  27. noelle @ jumpin beansWednesday, 10 April, 2013

    what beautiful pictures...
    we all need to unplug from time to time :)

  28. EVERYone needs a break. I missed a Tuesday (first time in 3 years) and felt like a lame-o! BUT, I needed it. :)

  29. You live in such a beautiful place! Enjoy your sister time!

  30. Great photos looks like an amazing time =]

  31. Haha! Thanks Karly! Glad you can relate. How is it that to just exist seems so difficult at times?

  32. I'm happy to hear you unplug from time to time, but there really is nothing quite like an escape to the beach. ;)

  33. For sure! I love my new state- so much beauty and treasures just waiting to be discovered!

  34. Yep. Priorities often get mixed up in the hustle and bustle of life. It's important to reflect on those from time to time...

  35. Thanks so much! Appreciate it!

  36. Aw, Thanks Dagmar! I actually missed all of you too, but it was a much needed break!

  37. Thanks Tabitha! I must say, your recent snaps at the beach are adorable!! Hope it was a fun day!

  38. I'm touched that you stopped in, David! I love your idea of dinking around. ;) Sure wish hubs had that same idea because that is my favorite kind of day!

  39. Sorry to hear your winter has been so hard, Christy! Spring always seems to reignite my creative juices, but I must admit- it is hard to get back into blogging after such a nice break. ;)

  40. Thanks, Kimberly! I do hope you can at least find a few moments here or there! Good luck!

  41. Oh my! You must go! It's lovely! A great family escape!

  42. Thanks for your kind words, Pam! The break was lovely. Definitely something everyone needs occasionally!

  43. Thanks so much Tina!

  44. Thanks Marko! That was certainly one of my favorite parts of our trip! ;)

  45. I am doing much better, Sue. If only the pesky pollen would be done already. As for the "over app", I actually found a way around it. I add the text I want and then save it to my photo album. Then I reload it and add additional text with a different font or color. A little more time consuming, but not too difficult. I do hope one of these days they'll update the app so this is easier!

  46. Aww, so sorry to hear it Amanda! If it makes you feel any better our second day there was pretty chilly on the beach. ;)

  47. Yes, not sure what it is that makes it so difficult to grasp this simple concept but it sure is an important one! So glad you are getting away to recharge!

  48. I heart the beach! We actually live 2-3 hours from the beaches nearest us, but we're nuts- we do day trips all the time even when there's 6 hours of driving and only 2 hours of beach time. ;)

  49. I think without unplugging occasionally burnout is inevitable! Good luck! I'm rooting for ya!

  50. We've only lived in SC a little over a year now and even though we're 2-3 hrs from the beach, I absolutely love it and also wonder how I lived so many years without it!

  51. I'm happy that part of my post resonated with you, Susi! I think we are all our own worst critics and it is often difficult to be authentic and creative in a world with so much talent thrown at us. But we must resist comparing ourselves and tune out the world sometimes so that we can be true to who we are without added pressures or distractions. It is not always an easy thing to do, but I wish you luck as you attempt to find peace and happiness doing whatever it is that you love...

  52. Couldn't have said it better myself, Nina! "to be, enjoy the moments together, seize the day..." Sums it up perfectly! Something we should all be striving for daily!

  53. So true! It seems so easy in theory, but actually doing it really takes effort! ;)

  54. Agreed! Thanks for stopping by today and for the lovely words.

  55. Thanks so much Noelle! Appreciate your continued support.

  56. It did feel strange, but I'm so glad I stepped away. I really needed it! Thanks for stopping over Chelsey!

  57. I really do feel so grateful to live within hours of such beauty, Kristy! Unfortunately my sister was only here for a few short days. Wish we could have hung out longer!

  58. Thanks, Amanda! It really was! :)

  59. You are right, family comes first. I didn´t post anything last week either. I was so glad the kids had their spring break and we had some time to relax and invite friends. :) I can tell you had a really fantastic time. Very beautiful photos!

  60. I found myself nodding my head in agreement with the majority of this post! I spend entirely too much time online, admittedly doing nothing of importance. I'm always envious of your beach views!

  61. Awesome post and beautiful pics. We all need to just disconnect every now and then and enjoy life and family. Happy WW!

  62. I'm so happy to hear that you had a week off!! We truly do need to take some time for us!! I can't imagine just how wonderful it must have been, especially after all that sickness. Your photos truly are a picture of perfection!! The beach is the perfect place to recharge! Thanks for the collage templates!

  63. Glad you got me time. I love the beach but rarley get to go to it.

    There is a dvd on the topic of how media controls our lives sometimes.. called Captivated.

  64. This was so touching too me, making me realize that I need time just for me. Thanks you Alicia :)

  65. Serendipity is SweetThursday, 11 April, 2013

    Well deserved! Gorgeous photos Alicia! What a wonderful trip it must have been.

  66. Visiting you from Wordless Wednesday Bloggers. Thanks for linking up. See you this Wednesday.


