WW: This is life.

It's hard to turn on the news or even your smart phone these days without learning of more sadness in the world. Sometimes I wonder if so much technology is such a good thing.

Sunday night I popped "The Impossible" into the DVD player not knowing it was a re-creation of the 2004 Tsunami in Indonesia that killed nearly 300,000 people. The movie was haunting and raw and served as a powerful reminder of the human spirit and the fragility of life. And it certainly made me want to squeeze my loved ones a little tighter... If you haven't yet watched it, bring tissues and brace yourself... I have not been able to shake it.

As I lay awake last night with random thoughts running amuck, I decided it was time to stop hoarding photos in my hard drive- it was time to put them somewhere they could be viewed regularly.

Rather than focus on the sadness and depressing world events that are an inevitable part of the human experience, we need to surround ourselves with beautiful, happy memories. We need to live in the present, celebrate the blessings we've been given and not take a single day for granted.
 photo aprillife750px_zps9af284f4.jpg
family gardening | tender moments with little man  | the peach orchard after a bout of sickness | afternoon of beach cycling | baking goodies | feeling small(er) | family walk along the river | sunshine on a cloudy day | outing with hubs | green photo shoot | fun with cousins | beautiful wildflowers | little man running through the orchard | ice cream with the kiddos | crafting a butterfly streamer | family time in hilton head

Rebecca of Simple as That has put together a series of collages to help us get our photos off our computers/phones and into frames! They are lovely, simple designs and so easy to use. I'm excited to start putting some of our everyday life happiness on the walls! You can find her templates here.

The photos above are just a few of the many fabulous memories from April. So much to be grateful for!

I hope that you will look for the smiles in your life amidst the hurdles and heartaches.

That's all for now. Thanks so much for stopping by! In case you're new here- welcome!

This is Wordless Wednesday, but as you can see, I have a hard time keeping it wordless. Wordful or Not So Wordless posts are always welcome here at Project Alicia. You can grab my button in the sidebar but it is not required to participate. Just grab any photo and come link up! And if you'd like to connect with other WW participants, click HERE or one of the thumbnails below.

The Paper MamaPhotobucketPhotobucketseven clown circusPhotobucketBetter in BulkPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket