WW: Willing a Smile

It's been a dark couple months in our nation, filled with loss and unspeakable sadness.

Today as I listened to the low rumbles of a distant storm, I found myself lost in thought. One led to another... until I realized I had let it in.

Dark thoughts are like a cancer. They can fester and grow and before long they have infected every part of your being.

So, for sanity's sake I had to redirect my focus to the happier parts of life and I came across these iphone photos from a couple weeks ago.

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They serve as a reminder of the beautiful blessing of human connections and lasting relationships that go beyond this life.
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I hope that you will squeeze your loved ones a little tighter tonight.

Offer up thoughts, prayer or donations for our fellow Americans and friends suffering, particularly in Oklahoma today...

And remember that, "The most important things in life aren't things."