I’m so ready to rid myself of all this crap that has been festering all.week.long. It starts small and then one thing builds upon another and so on and so forth, until you seriously can NOT take it for even another second!
Are you ready? It’s time to do this thing!
Gigi, thanks for being the mastermind behind this VIRTUAL DETOX!!
To my laptop that will not let me view anything in peace. You may be able to make my life a living hell at times, but just remember that I own you and can do anything I want to you, including smashing you into a million pieces with my bare hands…FLIP OFF.
To my realtor that has sat back with his thumb up his rear end and done absolutely nothing to speed up this agonizing short sale. We hired you with the understanding that you were some kind of expert, but I could have got my own realtor’s license and sold a dozen homes in the time this has taken you… FLIP OFF.
To this dark rain cloud that seems to have taken up residence in my life. You may cause momentary feelings of complete and utter worthlessness, but YOU SUCK and I refuse to succumb to your powers. FLIP OFF!
To all those fake people on facebook that work overtime to make others feel inadequate about their own lives. Um, yeah. We all know who you are and that you are full of crap. And that you are only saying those things because your real life actually blows. We see right through your shallowness… FLIP OFF.
To this lingering sinus infection that couldn’t be more annoying if it tried. I don’t know what you are trying to prove here, but life goes on with or without you so you might as well just give it up already. Oh and by the way, FLIP OFF!!
And to the never ending piles of laundry that seem to magically multiply and then play hide and seek with me at the most inopportune of times… FLIP OFF.
Ah… DEEP SIGH... so therapeutic. Maybe just maybe I can get through this 5K and have a good weekend after all.
If you would like to participate go get the badge from KludgyMom and link up! You won’t regret it.
Read last week's edition of Friday Flip Offs here.
Real estate deals can be so frustrating. Hope things work out for you soon.
ReplyDeleteDarn! I forgot about this!!
ReplyDeleteI love your Facebook one, and especially love your laundry one...I even tweeted that laundry could kiss my lily white arse yesterday!
Hope you feel better and that you have a great weekend!
Oh, Facebook! I have a love-hate relationship with facebook. And I'm only saying that because I don't want to admit that it is really a hate-hate relationship. Thanks for saying what I was afraid to.
ReplyDeletePer chance, is that you I keep bumping into as I try to escape the dark cloud looming over me? Maybe if we stick together, we'll out number the cloud and he'll run off and hide somewhere FAR, FAR AWAY!
BIG FLIP OFF to sinus infection - i got one too and i'm getting it fixed soon...been saying it for nearly a year now....have a great weekend!
ReplyDelete~ash's mum
I love the Friday Flip Off idea!! I may soon be implementing this on my blog as well. I hope you feel better soon. :) Hugs!
ReplyDeleteSweet meme. I will have to join up next week! Nice. Oh I am also following you on twitter!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck in your 5k! I so need to get back into running and competing! Love the Friday Flip Offs!
ReplyDeleteLove the Facebook one - people KILL me on Facebook - just kill me!
Aha I am not alone in my bitterness against fake cheery people on facebook!!! !
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to hear you are in a good mood. :) You crack me up.
ReplyDeleteI just noticed I am not following you, sorry about that. Following in a sec.
I am SOOOOOOO with you on the laundry...and stupid computers...and the realtor one is just hilarious!! Hope that was therapeutic for you!! Yep...the laundry definitely deserves a flip~off!
ReplyDelete{p.s. can mature trees really be over-rated...they just seem so..shady!}
Have a great weekend :)
Ha! I've never seen the Friday Flipoffs before! Very therapeutic.
ReplyDeleteSorry to ehar about the rain cloud... and the sinus infection... oh and the lazy realtor.
I'm guessing the Facebook stuff you hate is the "my-life-is-wonderful" status updates some people post so very regularly?
I wouldn't know. I'm never there.
I'm here, BLOGGING.
I'm new to the Friday Flip-offs, but I love them. No need to tell you how spot on you are about Facebook. Love my blog's fan page, but my personal profile is filled with people from high school that seem to be so squeaky clean and perfect, it makes me want to vomit. Who are they kidding. I join you in that flip off!
ReplyDeleteOMG are me and you gonna be friends. I laughed at the Realtor flip-off. I thought the same thing when I was selling my house with help-u-sell, need I say more. They A. Didn't help me sell it in a 5 month time frame. and B. the next year I sold my house in 5 weeks with an expert realtor right before the housing crash. I feel for ya, can relate and empathize greatly. Good Luck and just remember you are an advocate for yourself, keep chin up and you'll sell that house before hell freezes over. See ya over at BlogFrog!!
ReplyDeleteGreat flip offs. And yea, I'll flip off my laundry too. Four boys and me. The laundry is ridiculous. And neverending. And stinky. Man is it stinky.
ReplyDeleteThanks for perking up my Friday. I needed that!
Okay, here's what I have to say about all your finger salutes:
ReplyDeleteI have a Mac so I pretty much kiss it every day. I do flip off Blogger on a regular basis, usually on my Blogger Blog to their face. I hate those assholes.
Sorry about the realtor. Here's a finger from me, too.
No black cloud. Life's too short. Look up to the sky and know every morning's a new day.
Sorry about your FB friend, sounds like a real assbag. Here's another finger from me.
(I hope I'm not offending with the cussing but I think flip off Friday deserves cussing.
Sinus infection blows. (Sorry no pun intended)
And laundry? Well, I do believe you know how I feel about that. Here's a 2 fingered salute to the freakin' laundry.
Have a great weekend!
I love this, Why didn't I think of doing something like this on my blog? I might just have to see if its ok if I borrow this idea, totally giving you credit of course.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% about Facebook! I talked about practically the same thing in my post today, only it was about bloggers!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a WONDERFUL weekend! =)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow, more Friday fun! I'll have to add this to my list!
ReplyDeleteI think I like this blog & will have to follow!
Have a great weekend!
I wonder if we're all blogging/commenting with each other and the cloud keeps moving back and forth amongst us. And I think it's related to Facebook. Sometimes I feel it's the most toxic thing in my life!
ReplyDeleteHave a GREAT 5K!
Stumbled on your blog somehow... just have to say this is the funniest thing I've read all day. Especially the Facebook thing. :D Cheers!
ReplyDeleteAm right behind you "flippin' off" the laundry and fake fb'ers!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the sentiments about the 5K. Registered for another the end of this month. For some reason, my running since the 5K has been "off". Feelin' heavy, although scales aren't moving up. Need to work on my diet. (sigh)
Good luck on your 5K, my friend. Will send a prayer along with this comment that your sinuses clear up. We live in SC and April's pollen count was ABSOLUTELY horrid.
The laundry, the laundry, the NEVER ending laundry...I wish to flip thee off also...double flip off...so there...
ReplyDeletehilarious! so glad you go that out! :)
ReplyDeleteI meant *got that out.
ReplyDeleteOooohh...can I copy your Friday Flip Off? I have so many people/things getting under my skin right now...I could use the release!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to flip off my laptop, too. Is your short sale on your house, or a house you are trying to buy? Good luck!
ReplyDeleteWhat a freeing post! I would like to flip off Outlook. It's always messing up my emails and shutting down. Ticks me off!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the house stuff.
ugh....I have sooo many things/people that I want to flip off this past week. I will have to borrow this idea from you for next week. I hope you had a better weekend then your past week!
ReplyDeleteFriday Flip Off? Where have I been? Gosh, wasting my time with Friday Follows. I've got to join in on this one.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stopping by last week. I enjoyed your BlogFrog discussion. Lots of great support!
ReplyDeleteBlogs are always filled with the pretty, the nice, the happy.
It's nice to have an excuse to let it all out - virtual detox as you say.
Thanks for introducing me to the most therapeutic link up ever! I'll be 'playing' this week for sure!
Hey Girl! When you get a chance I have an award for you on my blog. It'll be posted tomorrow (Wed.). Hope this cheers ya up!
ReplyDeleteGenius. Truly a virtual detox. I'm sure you feel much better now :)
ReplyDeleteHow'd the 5K go? Thanks for your faithful visiting on my blog. I appreciate you! :)
ReplyDeleteI thought I commented on your post earlier. I'm going to flip off my brain. apparently it is not working today. Love what you said about FB too. I hate the fake people on FB and the ones who are always trying to sound like they smell like roses, when we all know they most certainly DO NOT. Love your post :)