Wordless Wednesday Linky Party: Enter at Your Own Risk.

I hope you aren't eating right now. If so, you might wanna sit whatever it is down for a minute.

This WW is yet another example of the cycle of life. And although it's not quite as gross as this one that happened in our backyard (and was one of my first WW posts), it still made little man cringe just a little.


And if it makes little man cringe, you better believe it's gross.

Drum roll please....


Here it is in all it's glory. Can you guess what is eating what?

But before I do the reveal, I wanted to mention that it may or may not be why
little man got violently ill the next day...


and puked 14 times and looked like this.

OK. Ready? Here is a labeled photo....


Praying mantis is pretty easy to guess, but did you know that it was eating a grasshopper? While Little Man held him he never let it go and it gobbled the entire thing except for a foot (which FYI: I didn't stick around to see). Check out the guts of the grasshopper on little man's finger above. Yes, EEEeeeewww. Agreed.

If you have stuck with me through this whole post I thank you.

And I apologize for so many words lately, but I must tell you that these are not things that I would normally be drawn to, but it is my fate as a mother of a child with an intellectual appetite bigger than I know what to do with. And although it is exceptionally disgusting and maybe better to be oblivious to such feedings, I am thankful that little man is so passionate about life around him and helps me see the world in a new light. The end.

Oh, and don't forget to stop by tomorrow for the first ever PROJECT SMILE party!! Can't wait to see all your smiles.

Thanks for stopping by. Time to get this party started. Add your link below and then head over to some of my other bloggy friends... Kristi at Live and Love Out Loud, Amanda at Parenting For Dummies who replaced my bloggy friend Angie at seven clown circus (she'll be missed), and Susan & Janice at 5 minutes for mom.


  1. Oh eeeewww.Poor guy getting sick afterwards that's just no fun..hope he feels better soon

  2. OMG, that is unbelievable. What is MOST unbelievable is that Little Man held the thing in his HANDS the whole time!!! Woah. Unreal.
    Sorry he got sick, poor guy. You KNOW you have my sympathy on all the pucking!
    Luv from Simone
    PS I have linked up our fun photos from yesterday... spring here feels like SUMMER!!

  3. Oh you know I meant PUKING. me and spelling!! I never check!

  4. Wow. Gross. That is unreal. UGH! Hope he is feeling better.

  5. Ewww! Great learning experience but sorry to hear your son got sick! :(

  6. Ewww! Amazing that he held on the whole time... I'm sorry he's not feeling well. Hope he feels better soon!

  7. That was awesome! My boys would dig that. I can NOT believe he held it then entire time. My boys would've tweaked at some point! LOL That's what we get with boys, though.

    ~Mimi @ Woven by Words

  8. figured out the bugs and I still can only think of one response...ew!

  9. I love what being a mom and having a blog can inspire us to capture! Gross, but really great pics!

  10. that is actually pretty fascinating!

  11. Wow, that was gross, but awesome that you were able to capture it so well on camera!

  12. Poor lil man, but oh so brave (of both of you!!!!) I hope that he is all AOK now!

    Mine is up as well at WW Pests, Pets and Petals!

    Have a great WW!

  13. I have always been slightly freaked out about preying mantises since i was very young they just sit there hungrily and stare you down. Creepy.

  14. Should we start singing circle of life now? Not something I wanted to see but I guess it's the way it is. Ugh, so not looking forward to this stage.

    Sorry he got sick though. Hope he feels better soon.

  15. Thank you for telling me to put down my lunch! EWWWW!

    Happy WW!

  16. Wow! I was a country boy and thought I had done it all as a kid. Mmmmm. but your son's got me beat. I picked up up a praying mantis, but not while it was eating. Egad! I'm sure he will have a fun memory to tell when he's grown.
    David/ Tropical Texana/ Houston

  17. I was ok until the guts part...lol

  18. This is BRILLIANT!
    Contribute it so some science magazine.

  19. Well I am creeped out but great shots!
    Hope he is feeling better

  20. I can't believe you captured those pictures!! Gross but AMAZING!!!

  21. Oooo..hope your little one gets better soon.. Happy WW

  22. So gross yet fascinating!!! I love that you embrace your son's love for all of God's creatures!

  23. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Oh Man I really don't know how you do it. Just looking at the pictures I am freaking out, I can't imagine seeing it in real life. UGH. Thanks for sharing. Included you in my linky this week and of course I will always continue to link up :) xo

  24. Cool! (except for the guts, but I hate to say what I think it is!) Did your son have a scratch from where the mantis was holding on to him? I hope he is much better by now. We should send some of this gory stuff to Stephen King, maybe he would write a book about the scary lives of mom (& grandma) bloggers! What do you think? ;D
    Faythe @GMT

  25. That is all kinds of disgusting! But I gotta admit, I love praying mantis!

  26. Eeekk! It wasn't too bad till I saw the guts. Yucky!!

  27. Ewwwwwwwwww!!! Awesome shots nonetheless!!

    Happy WW!

  28. Boys and their bugs. Great shot, Critter loves to pick up bug also. So, I am use to the views.

  29. Wow! That was pretty disgusting! Those little orange sack things looked like larvae or something. Either way, GROSS! lol
    Happy Wordless Wednesday, Lish. Great shots!

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

  30. yes, very disgusting!! But for some odd reason, I can stomach this much better then the last "eeeewww" picture that you posted. Great capture!

  31. ALICIA!!!!!
    OMG, you never cease to amaze me, woman!!

    Just wow.....


  32. I actually love the real life...nature....awesome coolness sort of pics like these...minus the sick kiddo, though. I'm sorry to hear that.

    hope your Wednesday is good!

  33. beautiful pics as always but I am seriously holding back the puke.

  34. Yep. This is it. Officially the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.

  35. Eeeewwww!!! Great shot and all that, but eeewwww...

  36. you are one sick cookie....going and grabbing your camera!

  37. ps.....it was nice chatting with you tonight. hope you figure stuff out and things get better.

  38. Sick!! I don't recall ever seeing the innerds of a grasshopper! Thanks for the education!

  39. That's about the grossest thing I've seen on a blog! LOL!

    I even posted two insects that freaked me out, but it's nothing compared to THIS! Haha!!

  40. GIRL!!! I know now one of the reasons God didn't give me boys! LOL!


  41. WOW! and i mean WOW! lol well he was braver than me lol, brilliant shots. :-)

    Happy WW!

  42. This is both gross and fascinating at the same time! Thanks for sharing!

    Jules from A Little Bite of Life

  43. My stomach is turning but at the same time I can't turn away. :)

  44. Um, yep, yuck! Would you believe that it's not the first time that I've seen that? My daughter, being the budding young scientist, did something similar, but I could never capture it on film that well. While the subject may be ick!, the photos are excellent!

  45. Yuck! But I do enjoy seeing life unfold right before my eyes! Haha!

  46. Nice Pictures. I always thought the praying mantis was a creepy little creature.

  47. That's pretty amazing, but...yikes!

    Happy WW!!

  48. What a great capture! Very cool!

    I hope your little man is feeling better soon.

  49. Love it - as the parent of an 11 year old I am virtually ungrossoutable!!!

  50. ohh that’s very close observation.. superb

  51. That is so freaking cool! Gross, but very cool! When do you ever get to see stuff like that? It's like a train wreck. You can't help but look.

  52. I am so sorry he got sick! The eating shots are amazing.

  53. I feel so bad for him! And SICK to the grasshopper eating party!

  54. Wow, and ewwww! I hope your little guy is feeling better soon...

  55. All of the sudden I'm not so hungry for breakfast anymore. ;-) That is awesome and gross all at the same time. My daughter would probably hold it too. She likes bugs.

    Thanks for the linky. Happy WW! :-D

  56. Ah the circle of life.... it is not always for the weak of stomach! I'm a new follower. Stop by for some pics from the farm; it's "pickin' time" our here!

  57. Ewww! But oddly fascinating - praying mantis are so cool!
    Sorry your little guy is sick - hope he feels better soon!

  58. Wow. More than disgusted, I'm impressed with Little Man for holding onto that thing for so long. And how cool would it have been had the praying mantis been eating one of those caterpillars that have green blood?!

  59. OH MY! I guessed praying mantis eating a caterpillar. The guts were especially gruesome... although I kinda smiled to see that even your son was pretty grossed out ;)

  60. sick kids, poor thing.
    the bug makes me itchy. is that weird?

  61. That is both gross and completely fascinating. The grasshopper guts are the part that really does me in...

    My kid looked like that this weekend too. I feel your pain.

  62. I thought boys loved this sort of thing. Gross!! Sorry he has the stomach flu (I mean you can't let him have the reputation of getting sick over a bug eating a bug). If it's a male praying mantis, he'll get killed soon by his mate. Talk about Women's Lib. lol

  63. I actually love the gorgeous pictures you take of bugs. You make something foreign become very beautiful.

  64. Those are really cool pictures! My son would love it too. Your son's expression in the first picture is just priceless! :D

  65. these are things I am NOT looking forward to! ha ha!

  66. He is so much braver then I am! :) That's why God gave me girls!

  67. That bug is pretty gross but the shots are cool. I'm glad to finally be joining your meme.

  68. Yucky! but you did catch some great pics.

  69. EWWWWWW!!! This is what I have to look forward to with boys, eh?

    Great shots nevertheless!

  70. Ick! My little one tends to be drawn to scenes like that in our yard too. Great photos!

    I hope he's feeling better!

  71. That is too funny! I have four boys so I relate to this post more than you know! I love it :)and believe me, I could not have said that 7 years ago!

  72. Omgohs. I hope your son was okay. That is just awful. yalky I hate bugs

  73. *gag*
    I have 2 little boys....I'm not going to be able to handle all the bugs...oh my gosh.

    I can't believe it was eating a grasshopper while your son held it. Wow.

  74. Oh yuck! I can't believe he kept holding them.

  75. That is really creepy but that is nature at it's best.

  76. Great googly moogly! I can't believe he had the guts (ha ha ha) to hold that thing! I hope he's feeling better now.

  77. Okay I'm not going to say it. I"m not going to say it. I'm going to say it! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww TOTALLY GROSS! I know how your little man is feeling. Queeeeezzzzzy is definitely the word! Move over big guy, I'm with you!!!!

  78. eeeew. yet WOW. gross. but cool!

    can't wait to drop by to see what project smile is all about tomorrow.

  79. It's funny. I have very rarely seen praying mantis' but lately they are all over the place.

  80. Congratulations on disgusting me two weeks in a row LOL

    I love the detail though, as disgusting as it may be.

    Did you tell him he has the grasshopper guts virus?

  81. Ok, one...that was gross, but you did warn us. Two, I hope he feels better soon. He is soooo cute. Even when he's sick.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  82. I posted a bug picture today, too, but I must say...your's is WAY more gross!!

  83. Double eeeew. I hope he's feeling better!

  84. Ok, those grasshopper guts have got to be one of the grossest things I have ever seen. Glad you encourage your son's inquisitive nature, though!

  85. OMGosh!!!! Loss for words!

    Hope he's feeling better.

  86. Really really gross...and yet totally fascinating! :) Great pics and hope your little guy is feeling better!

  87. Can't blame the bugs for the illness... do hope he feels better. It was pretty cool and brave of him to hang on to the praying mantis while it dined. I agre with Lisa Gross and yet totally fascinating! I haven't seen a Praying Mantis in years... I take it as a sign of good luck!

  88. Hi there! I am your newest follower from the Wordless Wednesday blog hop! Lovely blog:) You can find me at www.bouffeebambini.blogspot.com

  89. Ok that praying mantis is really going to town on that grasshopper! Really gross yet your pictures are really great and I can't help but look LOL. I hope your son is feeling better and feeling 100% again, so he can go back outside and catch more critters. Have great week!

  90. Hi I am Nicole from ColiesKitchen.com I wanted to drop by and say hi. I really like your blog, and am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance.
