Unfortunately there are few photos to show for my 37+ years alive. And even fewer of me and my siblings together. Maybe someone has a more formal photo of all of us, but I couldn't recollect one and I most certainly don't have anything of the sort in my possession.
Mom says Dad was always better at taking photos. Truth be told, I don't think he could ever really see. And interestingly enough, I don't have even one memory of him holding a camera. And Mom was too busy tending to her six kids to do anything, let alone think about snapping photos. No hard feelings, it was just the way it was.
I was a middle child. (12 years younger than the oldest and 4 years older than the youngest. And there is an 8 year gap between number 2 and 3.) Hand-me-downs were all I knew and private space was nonexistent. We gardened. We shared. We worked hard and played harder.
My other cherished memories are strewn together one crappy photo at a time... (Now you know why I am passionate about documenting my kid's lives.)

I am the far left. My best guess is that those curls came from sponge rollers. They were around then, right?

I am the one with my head turned. Figures.

I am the one sitting on Grandma's lap.

I am the angel. (Couldn't be more fitting. Wink, wink.)

I am the third from the right. No mocking. Those are sa-weet bangs.

I am smack in the middle with the light turquoise top. I've lost count, but this next year (2011) we have another family reunion planned in OBX, NC, and if I count correctly there are 31 grandkids. I believe 3 of those are great-grandkids. Don't quote me. Getting nearer to that 50 number for my family with every passing year. It sure makes our get togethers crazy and a little pricey. (Try finding a home for that many people.) The beach is always a hit with all those kids though.
This year my father celebrated his 70th birthday with all of his kids by his side. It was a rare occasion to just hang with my siblings and parents. Like the good ol' days.
Unprimped, Unplanned, and Unprofessional... I'm sure this photo will be treasured for years to come.

I am second from the right next to my little brother who is 18 months younger than myself. The one that towers over all of us. He may or may not belong to us. (Only kidding, bro.)
The Family - “That dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to.” -Dodie Smith
Happy WW! Thanks for stopping by. Any Thanksgiving plans? Hope your week ahead is filled with good food and great family and friends. And check out my family's Turkey Hash recipe if you missed it. A great way to use up that leftover turkey.
Make sure to stop by a few of these other Wordless/Wordful Wednesdays if you have a chance.
You can also find a complete list of WW hosts over at Shibley Smiles. Let the games begin.