Project Smile: January

It has been a difficult month for me personally. And as I sit today I am reminded of the purpose of this project. It was initiated in an attempt to help get me through my S.A.D.

And with these dark. mucky. cold. short days... it's a wonder more people aren't plagued with this condition.

Because let's be real. Winter sucks. And I know that I'm not alone in my struggles.

We need sunlight. We need to get out and be active. We need a good healthy dose of vitamin D. We need to not be held hostage in our homes.

Thank you for joining me on my smile crusade. Whether you document your smiles daily, weekly, or recount them monthly... it can be a blessing in your life just as it is in mine. To sit and cogitate on all of the wonderful reasons to smile.

Today I am only going to mention a few.

And this one tops the list.


These beautiful women are my mother and oldest sister and they both made many sacrifices on my behalf to be here for my birthday.


My sister arrived after spending 2 days in airports. No pilots, no connecting flights, and lots of hiccups, etc... And here she is after only 1 1/2 hrs of sleep and no shower. Isn't she beautiful?

(By the way, these photos were taken by my 11 year old son. Love his unique perspective.)

I am so lucky to be so loved.


By so many wonderful people.


Hubs made a double angel food cake for me with my fav fluffy white icing even though he couldn't eat a lick of it because he is on a special protein diet right now. That's what I call true love. This has been a fav of mine since I was a little girl. Click here to see me and my cake through the years.


And if you haven't heard from me much, it's because I've been elbow deep in projects over here. Taking classes. Learning. Growing. Expanding. Creating. And it never ceases to make me smile. The above photo is just one of the many examples of texture that I've been playing with this week. You can see another one here.

I hope that you have found a few smiles in your neck of the woods.

Just think... spring is right around the corner. And I hope that brings a smile to your face as it does to mine.

This is a bloghop. Feel free to snag the linky and add it to your post. The linky will be open for one week until Tuesday, Feb 7th at 11:59 PM.

I'd love for you to join me. Let's make the world brighter- one smile at a time.

A Beatiful Mess